picture of Sergej Kurjochin
Сергей Курёхин
(Sergej Kurjokhin)
Sergei Kurjokhin was born on 16 June 1954 in Му́рманск (Murmansk). In 1971, his family moved to Санкт-Петербург (St. Petersburg). Kuriokhin entered the Musorgsky Music College, and since that time his life turned into a wild quest for new ideas, new forms, and new music. He started his career as a pianist for a few underground rock-bands: POST, THE BIG IRON BELL, and GOLFSTREAM. Then he discovered jazz-music, joined the Anatoly Vapirov’s Quartet/Trio, and for several years was chosen Soviet jazz pianist of the year. Then he got fascinated with modern electronics, and returned to rock-music as a keyboardist and sound-manipulator with AQUARIUM, ALISA, KINO among other local heroes of the scene.
In 1984, developing the concept of constant melting variable art-elements, aesthetics, traditions, and cliches to achieve the signs of new-art, he founded his own project known as POPULAR MECHANICS. Through the years, Kuriokhin invited lots of very different artists to participate performances and recording sessions. They came from jazz and folklore ensembles, popular Russian and European rock bands, symphonic orchestras, opera scene, theatre and circus, and just from the street, bringing multiple colors and moods to the show. Sometimes, he gathered at once 300 personages on stage to make a performance! His music could be best described as a sort of spontaneous improvisation with strong elements of avant-garde jazz and rock, though there are quite many works which could easily satisfy tastes of admires of solo-instrumental, chamber, minimalist, or post-industrial music. He also scored for a number of popular movies, theatre spectacles, and documentaries.
Sergei Kuriokhin died on 09 July 1996 in St. Petersburg. He still remains one of the most innovative and unpredictable modern Russian composers and performers whose art-heritage still waits to be comprehended and whose influence on modern Russian culture can’t be overestimated.
source: Russian association of indipendent genres RAIG


Subway Culture
Leo Records LR 402/403
recorded June 1983 in St. Petersburg/Russia
Sergej Kurjochin, organ, guitar, piano, sax, bells, percussion
Boris Grebenschtschikow, guitars
Igor Butman, sopranino sax, alto sax

Sound Samples
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