Lehel / Schindler: Pipes & Phones

cover picture New Classic Colours NCC 8702

Peter Lehel, saxes
Peter Schindler, church organ

Church organ in combination with saxophone - there are not many examples like the Swedish Bengt Hallberg and Gustav Sjökvist who play together with Arne Domnérus, or the German Karl Scharnweber together with Thomas Klemm. Each of them has a very different way of his own to present this mighty instrument which is not that common jazz instrument at all in a context with a typical jazz instrument. All these ways result in a certan contrast which leads the listener to a very intense attention.

So does the duo of Peter Lehel and Peter Schindler as well. And, I dare say, they go beyond. Their play is characterized by clear lines and a mixture of baroque and jazzy approaches to the interpretations. Both modes are combined in a wonderful way.
On this first album "Pipes and Phones" presents besides songs of well known jazz musicians like Charlie Haden and Phil Woods composiitons of their own. A real great opus is Lehel's "Pipes and Phones" which permits to both players free improvisations full of original harmonics.



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