Lehel/Schindler: Pipes And Phones - Suites

cover picture Finetone FTM 8000

Peter Lehel, saxes, clarient
Peter Schindler, church organ
Herbert Joos, trumpet, flugelhorn
Markus Faller, drums, percussion

Some years ago, Marcus Stockhausen and Rainer Brüninghaus have created a style of wonderful interaction between keyboards and trumpet. Lehel/Joos and Schindler seem even to intensify the musical relation between brass instruments and keyboards (if you allow that the pipe organ is a sort of a keyboard instrument). It takes you by surprise in which way the organ on the one hand and the sax and the trumpet on the other blend into a harmonic unit without giving up their true characteristics.

The first suite on this album, Blue Suite, consisting of five pieces, starts very tenderly. Schindler uses the technique of deep base tones, played with the pedal, which we know very well from Bach. A contrast follows: Unusual harmonics, rhythmic lines form a vivid scenario in which trumpet and saxes proceed and the organ follows. Then again the music falls back to meditation.
The second suite is built up according to the baroque suite schema. "Pipes and Phones" have presented a successful combination of contemporary organ music with jazz, really impressive and excellent.



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